Hey there! I’m Lisa Harris your Nutritional Therapy Practitioner!

Have you tried every “fad” diet that promised you incredible results? Are you confused about all the different information out there on Mr. Google about nutrition? I sure was! I tried everything and was still left with debilitating symptoms that continued to impair my life. This is why I continued my education!

So, what the heck is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy is a bio-individual, root cause, food first approach to restoring balance to your body, enhancing it’s ability to heal. Emphasis on a bio-individual approach! Not one person’s physiology, lifestyle, and health concerns are the same. This is why what works for one person may not work for the other. We are all different therefore, so is our healing journey! My protocols are tailored to what your unique body specifically needs.

Nutritional Therapy is not a “band aid” approach like how you would typically see with traditional medicine. It does not involve masking symptoms. With knowing this, Nutritional Therapy is not a “quick fix.” It took years, maybe even decades for your symptoms to manifest. Healing takes time and dedication. I’m here to guide you and hold your hand through the entire process.

Balance is restored to the body by focusing on these six foundations of health:

  • Properly Prepared Nutrient Dense Diet

  • Digestion

  • Blood Sugar Regulation

  • Fatty Acids

  • Mineral Balance

  • Hydration

My Education

Nutritional Therapy Association - 2021

Restorative Wellness Solutions - 2022

My Story

I grew up eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) like most. The foods that I consumed weekly as a child were Little Debbie Cakes, Knorr noodles, and Aunt Jemima Pancakes. Vegetables, are you kidding me? I have the memory of eating peas and that was about it as a child. To make it even more "SAD," that all got washed down with Gatorade.

 My body was screaming "noooo" in so many ways for nearly three decades. I just didn't know because my symptoms were brushed off as "normal" and masked with pharmaceuticals. I suffered from what seems to be an endless list of debilitating symptoms and health conditions. Dreadful periods until they just completely stopped, migraines, hypertension, miscarriage, bilateral carpal tunnel & ulnar neuropathy, depression, anxiety, ADD, OCD, sludge in gallbladder, and hyperthyroidism to mention a handful. I later found out I had a cyst on my pituitary (master gland of all your hormones) which later required surgery to prevent damage to my optic nerve.

I was bounced around to several different doctors and specialists for years. This meant ton’s of medications. My appointments were either to tell me my labs were “normal” or to refill or prescribe another medication. Out of all the doctors I saw, not one of them asked about my diet and/or lifestyle. 

My health continued to deteriorate. I felt horrible and defeated.

I began to do my own research. I decided I was taking my health back!

 I then found Nutritional Therapy and learned all about digestion. It began to click. The common denominator of all my symptoms was chronic constipation.

 Some symptoms vanished after restoring the integrity of my gut and the entire digestive process. No more constipation! Praise the Lord! I’m so passionate about gut health because it completely changed my life.

 One thing I know is, God created a beautiful masterpiece when he created the human body. He designed our body in a way that can be restored if you give it what it needs.